Life and times of an astrophysist who is actually a former journalism student who is really a NERD nerdy retarded weird girl pretending to be an astrophysisist...mispelling INTENDED!

NERD nerdy retarded weird girl central...well mostly my mussings and random interludes whilst I am working towards getting a car and licence so my random adventures and time spent in Australia was worth while. It should be intersting Enjoy! While in Australia...I was sunburnt,went to Sydney and wrote my first novel. So far back in Canadia I have been couch hoping and meandering from city to city. More adventures to come. Hopefully they are as interesting as my Australia ones.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

“Socks live in here!”

Dear people of all awesomeness,

Friday, although rather slow, due to the fact that it’s a public holiday and was like a Sunday. It was rather amusing.

I have been procrastinating for the whole weekend. So rather than work on uni, on Friday I scrubbed a bathtub, to the point that I smelt like bleach, washed some walls in the kitchen and cleaned my bedroom floor. The later I was hoping would get rid of my sneezing as I think I may have a dust allergy. Unfortunately it did not help.

Anyways, Thursday I randomly bought Monopoly to:

  1. Fight off boredom due to bad television AND
  2. To aid in procrastination. It is because of this

While leaving work I walking out with a big famous board game did not go unnoticed. I think a majority of co-workers remarked how I had it. Yes I bought Monopoly big deal. I should have invited them all to come to my flat to play.

It kind of made me sad when I got home. I didn’t even take it out of the packaging till the afternoon. I was worried I’d have no one to play with it. On Friday afternoon Elise decided she wanted to play Monopoly. It was fun and all until I was accused of being a house ninja. I kept buying house on my property. It is the idea isn’t it? Elise hardly bought any houses and she wondered why I am winning. The aim of the game is to take risks. So I am proud to be a house ninja. The unfinished game was on the lounge room table till this afternoon. I finally realised looking at the sad unfinished game that I probably won’t be playing it for a while because I suspect Elise doesn’t like to lose.

I also apparently ate a scrub brush, but this is completely unrelated to Monopoly. The scrub brush was found later, but no apologies were issued.

Just now I was thinking how my flatmate Elise and I have someone intelligent discussions that turn into nonsensical musings.

For example:

Me: It felt weird leaving Literary Theory to go to work yesterday. We discussed free will and how we technically we don’t have it, we merely have choices. I then thought about going to Big W in which I could technically have the choice not to attend work or any kind of work and do what I want if “free will” existed.
Elise: Yes well you have the choice to be poor and not eat, but you kind of have too.
Me: That’s true. The lecturer believes that we don’t have free will because we give that up as soon as we are born into society and we merely have choices.
Elise: Yeah that makes sense everyone has to conform and know one is different.
Me: You know I was thinking Big W is kind of like a mini culture because you have to act a certain way to conform or you’re fired. It’s kind of like society in a way.
Elise: (Perplexed look.) What does the W in Big W stand for?
Me: I have no idea. I should ask a manager. They should know.
Elise: The world is like Big W. W unknown.
Me: I think it stands for Woolworths. I think Big W came around to compete with K-Mart.
Elise: What does the K in K-mart stand for?
Me: I have no idea.

Sometime later….

Me: I tried telling co-worker about my theory on free will and she kind of just looked at me. I said you have a choice to by things such as hats, but if you think about it you don’t really have free will.
Elise: Exactly free will would be eating the hats.
Me:And cooking it in a pot in the middles of the fashion accessories aisle.
Elise: Yes I can it imagine it bubbling in a cauldron.
Me: Mmmmm hat soup, tastes like leather. All hail the naked lady statue.
Me:This causes people to think you are crazy.

Now I suddenly realised I am not supposed to blog about the company I work for. However, I wasn’t attacking anyone, just discussing eating hats, buying socks, the meaning of the W and how I bought Monopoly. Hopefully this doesn’t get me fired. Case in point I should really be careful think previous job with Pixi Foto... I pretty much whinged about them every entry. Not good.

So as you can tell the concept of “free will” has peaked my interest. To mean it makes sense, as we give up freedoms to be a part of society. We don’t have free will we have choices. For example buying socks at Big W we have the choice to buy them. Speaking of socks my new flatmate Samantha leaves her socks all over the flat. Elise says she saw a sock in Sam’s window. It is kind of funny and random. So does she have the free will to place socks every where? Or is it merely a choice. This kind of makes my head hurt. Anyways Elise and I decide to hide the socks she leaves randomly around the house and put of informative signs such as “Socks live in here!” on her bedroom door and “Socks don’t live here” on the bathroom door until she figures it out.

Another concept is how literature is of timeless significance, transcends the age it was written in and speaks to what is a constant human nature. After reading that one must wonder what constant human nature is. It is the way we behave as humans, but it’s not universal. The idea that there is a single human nature is problematic. I am now curious to know what exactly does it mean to be human as we are all seen as individuals, but the same as well.

P.S. Ugachucka!


Anonymous said...

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Mel-Dogggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg,

I would just like to make one or two little observations:

1: You stated last entry you would update every Friday. The last two entries have been brought to us on Sunday. You are could have just as easily procrastinated on Friday by telling us about your entire life (YOUR ENTIRE LIFE!!) rather than clean your bathtub, but that is your choice. :-P

2: I asked Nigel why people observed you carrying Monopoly out of Big W and he had this to say:

"It is common knowledge everywhere except Canadia and Neptune that carrying Monopoly is a way to discretely and politically correctly broadcast to homosexuals that you are one of them. People who buy Monopoly never want to play it, they just want to make sexy. However they are also gay. GAY!!"

He thinks the newspaper should also have a page about who has been spotted carrying Monopoly.

3: That is interesting what you are said about Big W being like a culture, although it's like a totalitarian one because a select group of people are telling all the other inhabitants how to dress and behave. Yet, these people are unseen -- like religion!! Maybe you should join a neighboring culture and wage war on Big W to take over it. TAKE OVER IT!!

4: Don't feel bad about eating a scrubbing brush, because I are ate a broom. But as long as it wasn't the same brush you'd just used to clean the bath, it's ok.


princessjo1988 said...

Hi Melissa.

ummm...Monopoly....great!! When and where?? I love that game!

Ahhh yes... I think that if you believe in free choice you must also then believe in a ultimate being: free choice is not something just arising it is given....

ummm...could be wrong...but thats my idea!