Can I write a blog entry in 10 minutes or less?
Yes I can! I shall share with you 10 things that happened today….
- I got in a heated political, cultural societal discussion with a fellow bus passenger. She annoys me! You can tell she is highly intelligent mind you.
- Learned my mom apparently has a bus-husband and therefore I have a step bus father! It’s hard to explain. His name is Mike by the way, no relation to the character I created.
- Thought about the steps I need to take to publish my work.
- Had a dastardly young man or adequate intelligence and appearance make flirty with me at work today. :) It took me a few minutes to realise it.
- Anthropomorphisation is a word. It means to ascribe human characteristics to something not human. I have a platitude of anthropomorphised characters in my works. There is always a talking dog. Always!
- I worked on my novel.
- I fraternised with fellow co-workers. I like talking to them.
- I am at Tim Hortons wasting time waiting for the entire bus as always! Stupid 11 – 7 shifts!
- I partook in a free coffee from McDonalds. (Timmy’s is better!)
- I got caught day dreaming by the new front end manager!
P.S. I am hell of a tired! I still haven’t figured out the anonymous commenter yet!
fatigue is a way of your body saying that you need to slow down! btw, daydreaming is nice. i needed it yestrday!. have a good day:)
payday huh? nice
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