Sorry for the absence…I have been busy. I tired, brought on by two jobs, a nagging mother, demanding dogs, crazy cats and a brother who is obsessed with Harry Potter.
So I will take this opportunity to let off some frustration.
Let’s see I think at both jobs I successfully made a tool out of myself…
Firstly by getting annoyed at another bitchy cashier who I am convinced is an entire twat now!
Another day at the express lane I am confined to the brig with Twinkly Eyed Twinkle Twat, (cashier) customers approach, 2001 A Space Odyssey plays just for dramatic effect…Star Trek Lady awaits direction from the cashiers…
Me: (jokingly) Hey did you want the customers!
Cashier: (pushes the queuing button, then grumbly bitchy like) I don’t see you working why should I?
Star Trek – Lady: Please proceed to register…
Me thinking: wtf!
Me: (just to prove I do work too) I’ll help bag!
Cashier: (scan, scan, scan completely ignoring me,) THEY WANT THEIR MILK IN A BAG! (throws bags at me!)
Me thinking: Fuck you too!
Me: No problem
Customer: Oh thank you so much for helping us bag
Me: No problem it comes with the job I am working! Oh I help the next person over at my till here!
Cashier: (glares)
Me thinking: Bitch!
Later on…
Me: (Observing Twinkie talking to another cashier. I push the button.)
Star Trek – Lady: Please proceed to register…
Me: (loudly but since my voice is so soft I was not heard, which is a good thing.)I guess I am working now, so should you!
Cashier: (ignores me)
Customers: Uh….
Me: She accused me of not working I am making a point!
Customers: Good for you.
Me: It has really fired me up some, please don’t think I am mad at you.
Customers: No problem…you always doing a good job when we come through your till.
Me: Exactly she is just being a twat!
Customers: (laughs.) You go girl!
Me: So!
I ummm repeated this for over half my shift…I went into a dastardly tirade. As well as avoiding contact with the evil fiend.
Then at job number two:
I could not pick up the pace. It was my only fourth shift and I am pokey ass slow! It was implied if I didn’t get faster soon, then I was doomed. DOOMED! I think I am just doomed period.
Then during dinner rush, (when all the fatties rock in for some greasy grub) I got fed up with a cocky 16 year old boy bossing me around and talking to me like I knew fuck all. I said so…except I got his age wrong by two years…oh poor him. He was less annoying after that. I did apologise if I came across the wrong way and that I was joking.
I hate people lately…they just piss me off…this doesn’t include supervisors at both jobs making me feel like a tool either or my mom’s friend Erica crying when I say something the wrong way, then Hev-Lady rubs it in.
Life is good. It just my attitude with is stupid! Therefore I think life is stupid! Stupid, stupid, stupid!
P.S. I bought Tony Harry Potter 6 computer game he nearly broke my ear drums when I told him the news. He seems to be one individual I don’t want to punch in the face lately.